We recently designed a custom firetube wash system for a customer on a NRGMAX 10′ x 40′ Treater. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, however when it was requested, the vessel was already complete and there were no spare nozzles to achieve it, however we knew there had to be a solution.
We went through many different designs trying to find a way to make it work, each design with it’s own challenges. It was starting to look like the firetube wash system was not achievable and our client accepted the fact that it was not possible, however we were not done trying to figure out how to accomplish it. As per the pictures above and to the left, the plan was to modify the vessel CRN and utilize the 24″ manway that is used to access the firetube pulley system.
We added a flange to the manway with an internal machined pipe, designed to insert into the stainless steel firetube wash system during the manway installation. We ended up not only installing this on the current package, but also a previous identical unit that was complete and still in our yard. This is a great example of what we strive to provide our customers with: innovate solutions.